Tara Voigt Tara Voigt

Season of Thanksgiving

Season of Thanksgiving

I love this time of year! I know we should all be thankful year-round, but there is something just so special about this time of year that provides so many constant reminders of the blessings in our path. My encouragement to you is this: Do not stress the days away and miss the beauty of it all. Family. Togetherness. Conversations and connections. This week, find time to just pause. Remind yourself of what really matters and take mental note of it, write it down- your personal gratitude list. What I know is this, when we are in a state of gratitude, we can't be angry, stressed, or anxious.

Over the last several days, I have been working on my Gratitude in 2022 list. As I think about the teachers in our schools, those teaching from home, and our amazing team at TKC all who dedicate their time, gifts, and treasures to supporting our kids each day, I am filled with gratitude. What you do matters- so if you haven't heard it enough, here I am saying it again- you are amazing! Thank you for loving and educating our future generations.

As I walk into The Kid Connection each morning, I literally have to stop and pinch myself.  I think about all of the families that have trusted us to walk alongside their family to fill in educational gaps, build confidence, and create opportunities for success in their child. Each one of these families is the very reason we exist. I am thankful for the partnerships we have in our community with area schools, principals, teachers, and the small businesses that work alongside us for the benefit of the kids. Together, we are truly better.

I know that it only takes one to make the difference in the life of a child. Our words, our thoughts, and our actions all matter. So I want to end this message with the thing I am most thankful for, and that is my faith. Without it, I would be lost. I would not be the mother my kids need me to be, I would not be the wife, teacher, or friend I am called to be without the deep belief that we are on this Earth with the purpose to further God’s Kingdom; to make a difference.

Each and every day I think about how grateful I am for my family, my friends, and all of you who believed in a dream, helped in countless ways, prayed for us and for those that would come to be a part of our community, and those who embraced us throughout the amazing times and the challenging times. You have helped make TKC what it is today, and made this community what it is today.
I am so thankful for all the possibilities of tomorrow.

“This is the day the Lord has made.”
My gratitude today is for today, for all of you, for TKC and for our mighty God who makes all things possible.
“Let us rejoice and be glad in it!”

Happiest of Thanksgivings to you and your family,

Courtney Currie 

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