Parent Workshops

Below you will find a list of the Parent Workshops that TKC has to offer. We not only want your kids to succeed, but you as parents as well. Together we can create a great environment for your kids to thrive. Choose from several of our great options below.


  • Parenting with Dignity/Teaching Respect

    Effective Techniques for raising responsible, independent children. This workshop teaches parents to rethink their approach to discipline, response to outbursts, and empowerment.

  • Avoid the After School Battle

    Do you find yourself walking on eggshells when your child gets home from school? Do you dread asking them to do anything, for fear it will cause an explosion? Does your child seem irritable, anxious, and exhausted at the end of the school day? Learn a few of our helpful tips through this workshop to avoid the dreaded after school meltdown.

  • A Beginner's Guide to Homeschooling

    Homeschooling doesn't have to be hard. If you aren't sure where to start or need some guidance on how to homeschool, this is for you. This workshop will help you to find freedom outside of the traditional school structure and learn how to teach to your child's strengths. Join us as we discuss what homeschooling really looks like, how to manage your expectations, sorting through different curriculum options, networking a social community, and more. Walk away with confidence knowing that you are equipped and can do this!